Browser Add-ons, Feed Sidebar, Mozilla, Mozilla Firefox

Sort your feeds in Feed Sidebar

A lot of people have asked for the ability to sort the feeds that appear in the Feed Sidebar extension for Firefox, so I’ve taken some time to integrate some basic sorting options. I would like to get some feedback on this feature before releasing it to the general Feed Sidebar audience, so I’ve uploaded a version for testing here. (You may have to save it to your computer and open it with Firefox in order to install it.)

Sort button in Feed Sidebar

The sorts I’ve implemented are:

  • Default: Sorts the feeds in the order that you added them to your bookmarks. This is how your feeds have been sorted up to this point.
  • Name: Sorts the feeds alphabetically by feed title. (This doesn’t yet ignore things like “a”, “an”, “the”, but it will before the final release.)
  • Last Updated: Sorts the feeds with the last updated feed at the top.

Please leave any feedback you have either as a comment on this post or by emailing me at


4 comments on “Sort your feeds in Feed Sidebar

  1. “A “, “An “, “The ” – thanks for working on that. [I’ll spare you my alphabetization rant.]

    Comment – maybe with an edit at the bottom.


    Have you looked at GMarks? You might get some ideas from how it’s laid out.


    It’s in perpetual beta – the newest versions are here:

    Discussions – GMarks | Google Groups
    GMarks 0.9.10b5

    Unread problem

    I marked a few things as read and then as unread yet within less than an hour – they had disappeared entirely. Even show read doesn’t show them.

    I’m not sure how often it happens – but *unread* items (that I’ve never touched) – are in fact disappearing from live bookmark to my yahoo pipes feed.

    bottom window of the sidebar

    I tend to middle click links and just after I do that – the bottom window opens up for the next bookmark which is a bit distracting.

    And a left click forces opens the bottom window.

    I know too many options is bad – but maybe bottom window prefs would be a good thing. Or maybe something like Ctrl-click could control the window.

    Edit 1
    Hmm… – maybe all you need to do is give people a heads up that they can hide the window by dragging the top of it down.

    Edit 2
    #1 has a problem – left clicking requires multiple clicks to get the tab open.

    single keystroke combos

    = to mark as read
    How about a single keystroke combo to mark as read without opening the bookmark in a tab. I know I can do it via right click and clicking again – but I’m lazy and impatient. And who isn’t – on the net?

    = to mark as read
    To hide and unhide. I hide and unhide a lot since there are no filters.

    filtering list that marks as read

    I hope it’s coming…

    Notes – like regular bookmarks have

    This may be impossible – but how about adding a Note field like regular bookmarks have?

    About your site

    The “comment moderation” doesn’t seem to work on long-ish comments.

  2. Melvar says:

    The ordering I would prefer would be according to menu order – that is, the same order as in the Bookmarks menu, treating folders recursively, so that feeds in the same folder stay together. Even better would be using the actual existing folder topology rather than a list topology, but that would be an entirely new feature.

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