Netscape, RSS

RSS Advisory Board

Now that it’s on the website, it must be official: I’ve joined the RSS Advisory Board as a representative of Netscape. Netscape was the original creator of RSS, which came about in order to allow sites to syndicate content to My.Netscape.

Other board members include the lead of Yahoo!’s RSS platform, an executive vice president of Six Apart, the CTO of Feedburner, a Windows Live technical manager, the Google Reader project manager, and the cofounder of the company that created Blogger. As you can imagine, I am quite honored to be a part of this group.

Netscape Blog

Netscape 9’s Revolutionary Feature

This post originally appeared on the Netscape Blog.

What is the biggest feature lacked by Web browsers today? Security? No. Advanced privacy settings? Not even close. Full-size 24×24 activity indicators? Absolutely.

For Netscape 9, we’ve brought back the big throbber from days of old and stuck it right on the end of the toolbar – Bam! (Throbber 9.0 is not content to hide up at the end of the menubar.) So say goodbye to squinting to see if your page is still loading; this bad boy is 576 pixels of in-your-face load-status animation.

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