Movie Review: Chairman of the Board

This content of this post originally appeared in the “JNL” section of the Janesville Gazette.

Carrot Top stars in this hilarious movie, which could be described as part of his autobiography. He plays Edison, a novelty inventor with ideas such as an emergency brake for his surfboard. His biggest regret is that he took four years of chemistry and he still doesn’t know what’s in Cheez Whiz.

When Edison is in danger of being evicted by his mean, unforgiving landlord (played by Estelle Harris, who also plays George Costanza’s mother on Seinfeld”), he happens to meet Armand McMillan (Jack Warden), the owner of McMillan Industries, a novelty company.

McMillan dies, leaving his fortune and his company to Edison. McMillan’s conniving son is outraged and fights to get rid of Edison, resulting in a plot typical in these types of movies. That’s the downside. Also disagreeable was the coarse language. But if those two elements can be put aside, you can end up seeing a great comedy. Part of what makes it so good is that the supporting cast contributes to the humor, allowing some variation on the Carrot Top routine.

For Carrot Top’s first feature film, he does an excellent job of acting. This is probably because his character is pretty much how he acts on stage: zany, wacky and sometimes very, very strange. On the whole, this is a better movie for teenagers because they will get the jokes (and think they’re funny) because that’s who the jokes are aimed at.

It’s a great movie, and it will leave you laughing and laughing.


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