YouTube Comment Snob

Update: YouTube Comment Snob for Chrome is now known as “Comment Snob,” and it works on many more websites.

YouTube Comment Snob is an extension for Firefox that filters out undesirable comments from YouTube comment threads. You can choose to have any of the following rules mark a comment for removal:

  • More than # spelling mistakes: The number of mistakes is customizable, and the extension uses Firefox’s built-in spell checker. (Firefox only)
  • All capital letters
  • No capital letters
  • Doesn’t start with a capital letter
  • Excessive punctuation (!!!! ????)
  • Excessive capitalization
  • Profanity

Before and after of YouTube Comment Snob's filter


If you’re having trouble with the extension or would like to see a new feature added, you can e-mail me at

191 comments on “YouTube Comment Snob

  1. Danne says:

    looks nice, but my ideal youtube script would be a word-specific block ability, such as blocking any content/comment that has the words, for example, “cam” (its ALL spam), “LisaNova” (dito), etc

  2. It works because reputable writers make links to things they consider reputable sources. So readers, when they find something distasteful or unreliable, don’t just hit the back button once, they hit it twice. They remember not to follow links again through the page which took them there.

  3. Sam says:

    But can it be used for any site that has comments? I can think of some discussion sites where this would help lower my blood pressure. (I usually ignore comments on YouTube.)

  4. Thanks for your work! Now let’s see how you’ll interact with all the junk coming from social blogs, social networks, social software and the whole good load from web 2.0 ;) Tough luck on that!

  5. Chris says:

    I just tried this an it doesn’t seem to be working. Using the latest nightly firefox (3.0b3pre?). It installs, but doesn’t hide comments beginning with lower case letters. The settings default to all being on.

    Could it be that the extension is out of date? I guess YouTube’s site changes occasionally.

  6. Matt says:

    Extension does seem to be out of date. But was great when it was working, I will keep an eye out for an update.

  7. 80poundbutt says:

    A barn win fan spindle camp bringing trap. Latin tumble we quality housing tin. Before, expansion lisp vent cabin handle.

  8. John says:

    Yes, everything is fine, but why do we have to log-in in order to download the bloody extension?

  9. On ubuntu 8.04 with Firefox 3 beta 5 youtube causes Firefox to become completely unresponsive. Please fix this, as I would very much like to use this extension.

  10. D. Smith says:

    Can you block the swear words? I, for one, find them VERY offensive. Kids check out this site and what parent wants them to read that?

  11. Ooh! Can this thing also be altered to block comments containing “jajaja”? I HATE THAT, when used in an English-language comment. Makes no sense.

  12. I have no use for this, but I think this is a brilliant idea. I had a good laugh at the “No capital letters” and “Doesn’t start with a capital letter” These are good indications I don’t want to read the comment. I wish it could be used for all blogs/websites. Good job.

  13. Yeah says:

    Anyone who wants this, just simply for wanting it, must be a retarded mentally ill mongaloid who is a waste of c02 emissions.

  14. Richard says:

    I love this extension, but when is it going to be reworked so it starts working on the YouTube again and to make it Firefox 3.0 compatible?

  15. ejaz says:

    on my pc when ever i want play any video it show ” this video no longer available ” in fact this is not true because when i ask my neighour about this issue he says it works on his system could someone please let me know what is the main issue of not being play the videos on youtube

  16. b says:


  17. Y says:

    It’s a great extension but unfortunately, whole double byte words are hidden as an “All capital letters”.
    I can’t see all Japanese comments on YouTube.

  18. Very nice, I like. I’ve only noticed one small problem with it, though: if comments with excessive capitalization are blocked, so will comments with a lot of proper nouns, even if the grammar and spelling are perfect.

  19. Oh, one more thing. Comments that have a bunch of awful shorthand can’t be hidden. For example, “r u gay is that y u r sayin that? is that how u became gay” That wasn’t hidden. I guess single letters aren’t seen as typos. Too bad! :(

    Is that fixable?

  20. Found some more leftover annoyances: When a comment is nothing but one shorthand or repeated/stretched out word.

  21. Mayfair says:

    I want it not only to remove undesirable comments but to also punch the writers of said comments in the throat…. can someone mod it to do that?!

  22. Daniel Klein says:

    Doesn’t seem to work very well here. For instance, on a given page ( it hides the first three comments properly and then just stops, showing for instance two all lower case comments. I’d really like this extension if it worked properly. (I’m using FF

  23. I have a couple of suggestions:

    1. Add an option for excessive numbers, the same way you have an option for excessive punctuation. Helps weed out spam and leetspeak.
    2. Add an option for excessive whitespace. Many spam comments use multiple carriage returns to make the posts appear bigger.

  24. David Edwards. says:

    The best advice I can give to the pedants, who have created this silliness, is: Keep it to yourselves. Illiteracy, often the product of deprivation, is excusable, pedantry, usually the product of a bloated ego, is not!

  25. brrlo says:


  26. Adam says:

    Brilliant extension, keep up the good work. My only comment would be the option to block comments based on substring matches. Specifically, anything with ” lol “, ” ur “, and ” idiot ” in it. Personally I would customize this extension to filter solely on those criteria.

  27. I’d like to file a bug report. Though the obvious functionality is working, it breaks too easily on valid comments (massive false positive rate). This is not so much a bug as a design flaw. It groups poorly written comments with valid comments. If everyone was aware of such a plugin in common use, you would also get far less false positives, but a huge false negative rate. Therefore, this plugin only offers the ability to snobbishly hide all comments. Perhaps a way to reduce false positive rate is to have the ability to not hide items that have been vetted with the thumbs up/down buttons. That way, people who are logged in can counteract your add-on.

    Here is an example (not a rickroll):

    The output of your script is:
    Comment hidden (No capital letters) Hide
    MASTERDARKPETE (2 months ago) Show Hide
    0 Poor comment Good comment
    Marked as spam
    where can i obtain the complete march, and the tuba’s part¿

    Comment hidden (No capital letters) Hide
    king1pepe (2 months ago) Show Hide
    0 Poor comment Good comment
    Marked as spam
    how would i transpose this into bass clef for a tuba?

    Comment hidden (Doesn’t start with a capital letter.) Hide
    trompettor (1 month ago) Show Hide
    0 Poor comment Good comment
    Marked as spam
    first note is not G but an F

    Comment hidden (Doesn’t start with a capital letter.) Hide
    MoonSighted (4 months ago) Show Hide
    0 Poor comment Good comment
    Marked as spam
    its so easy to play on flute:D:D:D thanx for putting it up:D:D

    marco1meijer (5 months ago) Show Hide
    0 Poor comment Good comment
    Marked as spam
    Is it one handed on this sheet?

    Comment hidden (No capital letters) Hide
    layeuf (5 months ago) Show Hide
    Marked as spam
    yes, it’s a trumpet part

    davedjrongo12 (6 months ago) Show Hide
    0 Poor comment Good comment
    Marked as spam
    Thanx finnally someone with the notes!

    Comment hidden (All capital letters) Hide
    ElphieGirl2 (8 months ago) Show Hide
    0 Poor comment Good comment
    Marked as spam

    Comment hidden (49 spelling errors) Hide
    agueb (10 months ago) Show Hide
    0 Poor comment Good comment
    Marked as spam
    Méa Culpa. Je vois que tu as retiré tes vidéos. C’était pas sympa de ma part de me moquer comme ça. Maintenant, sans blague, prends quelques cours. Tu as l’air passionné, sinon, tu n’aurais pas risqué de poster des vidéos pas très au top. Mais les conseils sur internet, même valables, ne remplaceront jamais des cours. Tu vas progresser, et nous reposter un truc un peu plus maîtrisé.

    Courage, sans ironie cette fois.

    Comment hidden (No capital letters) Hide
    Curly4232 (11 months ago) Show Hide
    0 Poor comment Good comment
    Marked as spam
    sweet. thanks!

  28. Excellent idea; in action it seems to work-as-advertised, too.

    Other than scratching your own itch re mitigating YouTube discussion idiocy, is the input source extensible? Any reason this couldn’t be extended to include input from other forums’ comments? (Is that StupidFilter?)

    That could make it an interesting moderation tool, e.g., for this and other blogs.


  29. Anonymous says:

    Awesome idea but I never read youtube comments. Would it be possible to get this working for craigslist too?

  30. Ralf says:


    Its seems to me that this “probably” useful gadget is only for english sites.
    In the settings of the addon I saw see the dictionary .. but what do I put in there for GERMAN?



  31. Jeremiah says:

    Very nice. Now if only it were possible to filter out the comments that are just recaps of the video, then it’d be perfect.

  32. Quinn says:

    Great add on, but I was thinking that in an upcoming version, you could give people the option to filter out specific words. I’d really like to filter out anything containing the words “fag”, “fail”, “rofl”, “lolz”, hell, even “lol” is only cool when you’re 13 years old. Anyway, just a thought. Very nice work overall.

  33. Marko says:

    I’ve been using this add-on for about a day now, and really like it so far. Thank you for making it available :)

    A question though: could ‘check spelling mistakes’ become an on/off setting, instead of just a ‘hide comment with X or more spelling mistakes’ setting?

    The reason i’m asking is that i watch videos in more than one language, and i would like to be able to see valid comments in other languages than english. They’re filtered out though, because the dictionary is in english – and changing the dictionary back and forth all the time isn’t a realistic option.

    At the moment i’ve set the minimum amount of spelling mistakes really high, just to prevent it from hiding comments in other languages. So effectively it’s checking the grammar and spelling of comments for no reason at all, so i’d rather just switch it off altogether – should be lighter on cpu that way.

    Another suggestion; please allow comments made by the owner of the video by default.

  34. Anonymous says:

    This isn’t funny, I’ve experience better joke than this. To those who find this hilariouse.
    God, youtube comments can be bad, but this filter just limits freedom and lets you act like a gammer nazi.
    You want to disable comment? @ a youtube video , go to text options, and hide comments.
    Happy, whitefags? Is the red armchair you’re sitting is more comfortable enough to do whatever it takes to show how better you are at kids, and share it(like the comments here) with other people that shares the same interest as you, and then have coffee wear formal clothing and talk sophisticated?, and then engage in a orgy in a castle?

    To you(the viewer), you won’t understand comments, but to the maker, only they can understand their language. Like this post I’m making.

    Pretty soon they’ll be submitting comments via submitting video.
    I’ve had a perfect set of bad comments that was terrible than the blog writer view, but my computer crapped out at me, so it’s gone. Stupid inspiron 1525, don’t buy cheap computers to do all your stuff. I’m depressed.
    I’ve seen many worse than the blog writer. FAR worse(note the emphasis use of capitalization)

  35. ywyegrewurgeuwyu says:

    This isn’t funny, I’ve experience better joke than this. To those who find this hilariouse.
    God, youtube comments can be bad, but this filter just limits freedom and lets you act like a gammer nazi.
    You want to disable comment? @ a youtube video , go to text options, and hide comments.
    Happy, whitefags? Is the red armchair you’re sitting is more comfortable enough to do whatever it takes to show how better you are at kids, and share it(like the comments here) with other people that shares the same interest as you, and then have coffee wear formal clothing and talk sophisticated?, and then engage in a orgy in a castle?

    To you(the viewer), you won’t understand comments, but to the maker, only they can understand their language. Like this post I’m making.

    Pretty soon they’ll be submitting comments via submitting video.
    I’ve had a perfect set of bad comments that was terrible than the blog writer view, but my computer crapped out at me, so it’s gone. Stupid inspiron 1525, don’t buy cheap computers to do all your stuff. I’m depressed.
    I’ve seen many worse than the blog writer. FAR worse(note the emphasis use of capitalization)

  36. ywyegrewurgeuwyu says:

    I’m announcing myself that I’m permanatley disable youtube comments. Because I’m depressed and gave up hope collecting examples to show what makes youtube sucks. I don’t know, maybe I’m watching videos that kids are watching all the time.

  37. ywyegrewurgeuwyu – dude you need to get off the crack its making you a naive, racist, paranoid little rat!

    I understand you think poor grammar is sufficient for YouTube and Im inclined to agree.

    BUT then you go ans spoil youre point by showing you have no appreciation for normal people need to maintain a high-standard of written English for work, study or simply for the love of the language.

    Im sure you would have no problem with a builder following the correct approach to build a home? or a chef following the exact process to produce a complex dish? or a musician playing a piece exactly as the composer intended?

    Is it really so hard then to imagine that some normal, hard-working people simply want to read good English? Similarly to chefs, builders, musicians, ‘big readers’ / writers and other fans of the writtten word can come from any background with any experience to lead them up…

    So pull youre finger out and stop the bullshit, mr dumbfuck!!

  38. seth finley from sfx says:

    there’s only 1 thing about youtube that torks us all off: there are a large amount of bulls**t female guitarists to name a few, there’s “drowninginyou23” “99guitargirl99” “sdhwt2” “guitarchick07” “veronicaballestrini” “terranaomi” “evangelinehall” and many more sad, sad, attempts @ being a guitarists. well, they all need to get this: i outplay them all. i’m not kidding. i am the greatest singer/songwriter/guitarist of all time, & they also say that the songs they’re playing on camera are “covers”. what is this “cover” bulls**t?! anyway, i am working on reaching fame, (as alot of others know.) so anyway all they’ll be are small-time musicians once they all take a look @ me.

  39. Youtube has been populated by textspeak for quite some time now. I do believe they’d get tired of their own idiocy in the years to come. I mean, even text speak has decreased in usage frequency over the past few years.

  40. seth finley from sfx says:

    & by the way, if somebody plays a simple song written by someone else on youtube, THEY DID NOT “COVER” IT! all they did was contribute. somebody doesn’t cover anything until they put it on their soon-to-be-published album. ok? everybody should go by my flawless logic.

  41. Adam says:

    OMFG!!! lol this is sooooooo awesome!!!!1!! I’ve ben waiting for something lk this to get rid of stooooopid comments 4ever!!!!

  42. Anonymous says:

    Thank you… Thank you for creating this add-on. You have helped the internet out with this tool. Youtube should have never had a comment system.

  43. SB-X says:

    This is a great idea. Unfortunately it is fundamentally flawed with the way it scans over all comments comparing to a dictionary, even if I don’t care about typos and want to see comments in another language, and it doesn’t respect the comment voting system.
    A simple way to just scan for (non-)preferred words on regex, block the comment, and even blacklist the poster would be the best filtering system.
    Actually the “best” system for filtering out the /b/tards would probably be Youtube’s thumbs/up ratings… if only half of the voters weren’t the /b/tards themselves.
    It’s nice that they finally added “hide text comments”.

    DO IT F**GOT!

  44. SB-X says:

    And you gotta love the twisted logic that can take a simple upload of an extension to a guy’s personal website, something that many had quietly been hoping for for some time, and equate it to ego.


  45. Ronald says:

    Is there a way to filter comments that contains the word, “sub” and “subscribe”, or maybe even “watch”? That would be kind.

  46. Herochild says:

    for some reason, it won’t let me download 1.4 Beta. it says “not a valid install source”. the version that I’m using now is great though! I’d like the option to be able to choose other words that I define to be blocked.

  47. Martin says:

    For some reason I have CS installed but it is not filtering out profanity. The other filters (which I am not as worried about) are working fine.

  48. Chris says:

    Oh! Thank you for saving me from the mindless masses. It has saved me so much distress and helped preserve my faith in the human race… Not having to read those comments.

    Curious, when will you port your IQ shield to Google Chrome? Ever since I switched,this is one of the few things I truly missed. Sigh…

    Keep up the awesome work!

  49. Agree with Chris as we need this on Chrome badly. The only thing I’ve missed during the switch so far is my reasonably civilized youtube pages. Now, suddenly, I’m thrown into the clutches of idiocy once again every time I’d like to view a video.

  50. yah this is stupid. though the filter limits freedom us not letting people OPTIONALLY download it limits it, too. Stop saying this guy is an idiot n trying to limit freedom, you DONT HAVE to use it u fucks!.

  51. WishingItWouldWork says:

    I’ve tried this twice and cannot get it to work at all. I’d REALLY love to have this addon functioning, it’s a fantastic idea that will greatly improve my family’s youtube enjoyment. Thank you for creating it. I hope you can help some of us figure out why it won’t work for us.

    I’m using Firefox 3.5.8 and just tried the addon download from the official Firefox site again today with no luck.


  52. Thanks for your work! Now let’s see how you’ll interact with all the junk coming from social blogs, social networks, social software and the whole good load from web 2.0

  53. Zombibeard says:

    They changed the layout of the website, now it doesn’t work anymore!

    Now I have to read shitty “O YEH WELL UR MOM” comments again.

    A sad day, truly.

  54. I’ve tried this twice and cannot get it to work at all. I’d REALLY love to have this addon functioning, it’s a fantastic idea that will greatly improve my family’s youtube enjoyment. Thank you for creating it

  55. Yo says:

    The addon has been broken by the new Youtube rollout. Thankfully, it appears they’ve implemented a better comment system as well.

  56. who_knows... says:

    Now that YouTube has redesign all of every video’s page, it’s time to give your add-on some thoughts.But still, it’s great that it survived through the change.

  57. Mintti says:

    Ever since the new youtube design was in place permanently I missed the option to hide all comments (because people say hateful and ugly things depending on the thing that’s being viewed). I found youtube snob off of the fire fox extension and was happy I could block off all comments. This version is working for me. Thanks

  58. Susan Collins says:

    Google is swisting UTube in a big joke of non profit. They make profit off responding people that really don’t use that much profanity and it picks and picks until there will be no profit for posted videos.

    Those people are usually voted out so there really isn’t that much problem. Google wants money. And who don’t. I’ve been getting too way too many calls in our business and there will be another company soon to replace Google because of this silliness. Oh and I guess silly or silliness is in the dictionary of Google to kick out a comment.

  59. I Hate justin bieber.hate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  60. Anonymous says:

    When i enable “disable all comments” it still shows!
    I have the latest version of YTCS! Disable and reenabling wont work!
    Anyone have a solution?

  61. HELP
    When i enable “disable all comments” it still shows!
    I have the latest version of YTCS! Disable and reenabling wont work!
    Anyone have a solution?

  62. Is anyone finding that firefox has a MASSIVE memory footprint when using this extension? Firefox becomes unresponsive for me for up to 5 minutes when I click on a youtube link. I like this extension though, help would be most appreciated.

  63. But can it be used for any site that has comments? I can think of some discussion sites where this would help lower my blood pressure. (I usually ignore comments on YouTube.)

  64. Jeremy says:

    Not working for me either. An alternative, if you have the Stylish Add-On installed, is to add the following user script:

    @-moz-document domain(“”) {
    .comments-section {display:none;}


  65. The addon has been broken by the new Youtube rollout. Thankfully, it appears they’ve implemented a better comment system as well.

  66. Ever since the new youtube design was in place permanently I missed the option to hide all comments (because people say hateful and ugly things depending on the thing that’s being viewed). I found youtube snob off of the fire fox extension and was happy I could block off all comments. This version is working for me. Thanks
    Now that YouTube has redesign all of every video’s page, it’s time to give your add-on some thoughts.But still, it’s great that it survived through the change.

  67. Pootube says:

    Lol nice extension. Any chance of the same for Chromium? There’s already one that hides all comments, selectively would be nice though..

  68. I’ve tried this twice and cannot get it to work at all. I’d REALLY love to have this addon functioning, it’s a fantastic idea that will greatly improve my family’s youtube enjoyment. Thank you for creating it

  69. Jeff says:

    “This thing will delete every comment off youtube.”

    Pretty damn close, Barkod, pretty damn close.

    Anyway, this addon one of the best things I’ve ever downloaded, aside from Firefox itself. Screw Youtube for not giving us the option of hiding comments like it did in the old days. The only thing that would make it better, in my opinion, would be allowing us to see whether comments are guilty of multiple violations. For example, if a comment has all capital letters and profanity, it only shows up as “all capital letters”, or something like that. And, more importantly, being able to hide comments posted on Youtube channels. Really amazing job though, keep up the good work!

  70. Julia says:

    Extremely useful add-on, thanks very much.

    It would be even better if the add-on offered the ability to personalise the filters. I’m happy to read comments with !! or even !?! but that doesn’t mean I want to see a ridiculous amount of punctuation.

    Also, slight confusion – please clarify whether the update available on this site, mentioned on mozilla, is newer than the version 1.5.1 which is on mozilla. Doesn’t seem to be, as it has the same version number. If it isn’t newer then maybe it would be a good idea to remove that comment from mozilla.

  71. megooltjuh says:

    My compliments Chris Finke for making youtube-comment-snop
    It helps keeping YT nice and tidy (in english)
    does it also work on other language dictionaries?
    some dutch comments are hidden and tagged(X)spelling errors.


  72. Chris,

    Let’s have an improved 3.6x FF version that can actually filter out comments from specific users WITH more language options (ie. filter specific words) AND make it such that these comments do NOT show up in someone’s comment inbox.

    The latest problem with YouTube is the ability to comment search someone. So people that you’ve blocked can STILL leave your comment inbox flooded with stupid comments even AFTER you’ve blocked them.

    Now THAT would be quite the extension indeed.

    If anyone knows of anything close to that that will work on the most recent version of FF then let me know.

  73. thanks. I’ve tried this twice and cannot get it to work at all. I’d REALLY love to have this addon functioning, it’s a fantastic idea that will greatly improve my family’s youtube enjoyment. Thank you for creating it..

  74. really great plugin you have shown over here. i will try to use plugin that makes my life easy. does firefox go slow if i download many plugins?

  75. Rosli says:

    The last time I used this add on it wouldn’t work due to the current youtube format was in beta testing. Which meant that the comments would appear for a while then disappear. After that the comments would stay. Then I tried the most current up to date version of this add on with Firefox 3.6.10; when loading any page I will not see any comments upon loading (because I turned off all comments) Thank you!!! I’m not picky about the comments I see, because even with the positive comments on videos I watch there is a great chance some ignorant or hateful person coming along with racists and uneducated comments.

  76. Christopher Finke's Internet Stalker says:

    Chris, where have you been all my life? If I had a womb I would let you fill it with your babies. In fact, I’m getting a sex change just so you can do so. Do me do me do me do me DO ME DO ME!!

  77. The best would be to be able to filter out certain users as well. The ultimate script would be one where you would 1)never see a comment from someone on your blocked list either in your inbox OR on ANY comment thread.

    THAT would be a dream in itself.

  78. Esa Edvik says:

    Any chance of making a sidebar or something for just youtube comments and replying to them. Seems you have the interface in control and i’ve been looking for one for a while. Just need something that shows me if i have replies to my comments and allows me to reply without watching the video AGAIN, since Youtube hasn’t implemented this into their “inbox” messaging interface. It’s unfortunate since most comments are rubbish and i’d still like to keep up conversations with interesting people.

  79. I’ve tried this twice and cannot get it to work at all. I’d REALLY love to have this addon functioning, it’s a fantastic idea that will greatly improve my family’s youtube enjoyment. Thank you for creating it

  80. Walter Clark says:

    I’m having problems with YouTube. When I want to see a video on YouTube, there is one video, and when I want to download a YouTube Video for my files, two screens will show up. First one video will play on one screen(top screen), and about 15 to 20 seconds that same video will play on the other screen (bottom screen), and when it happens, the sound quality will become poor.
    I’ve tried to get rid of the bottom screen, and can’t get it to work. The video also freezes up, when it happens. a little tiny circle will appear in the center of the screen, which will spin. What is causing that? What is causing two screens to show up on YouTube when I download a YouTube video? Any chance that YouTube can be fixed (or be downgraded)? I also noticed that the videos on youTube are being copywrited, this is when whoever posts a video, that person who download it on the computer is not allowed to watch it (by whoever posts it on YouTube).

  81. The best would be to be able to filter out certain users as well. The ultimate script would be one where you would 1)never see a comment from someone on your blocked list either in your inbox OR on ANY comment thread.

  82. Valo says:

    Hey, nice tool. Really useful, it will even be better if it could filter out comments with ‘bieber’ and ‘thumb up’. Good job none the less.

  83. Last time we tried to view video from youtube via our blog with firefox 3.6.13 it had been crashed. Do you know what problem it could be?
    P.S. Thanks for excellent review.

  84. everyone is wonder youtube.. so this people open eyes in the morning with youtube close with youtube end of the night. and youtube is very populer place for make trade.. so ofcourse youtube comments are very populer sector in internet..cause they know what they do..

  85. is wonder youtube.. so this people open eyes in the morning with youtube close with youtube end of the night. and youtube is very populer place for make trade.. so ofcourse youtube comments are ver than admin

  86. ast time we tried to view video from youtube via our blog with firefox 3.6.13 it had been crashed. Do you know what problem it could be?
    P.S. Thanks for excellent review.

  87. marcus says:

    Really fantastic, thank you. I use the “hide all youtube comments” feature, which is really great.

    Thank you again.

  88. bp says:

    Blocking all comments now. I can safely feel that nothing of value was lost in the process! :D

  89. Rich says:

    Hope this message gets through the (rather ironic) noise…

    The comment snob has trouble with other character sets. Recently found this out after watching videos from Japan. :-\ The comments are in Japanese, of course, and are hidden as “All Caps”.

    Thanks for this filter!

  90. Anonymous says:

    I’m wondering if there will be a feature where you can hide all comments but still comment on videos. I still wanna show my support to the small time youtubers but I dislike most youtube comments :(.

  91. ast time we tried to view video from youtube via our blog with firefox 3.6.13 it had been crashed. Do you know what problem it could be?
    P.S. Thanks for excellent review.

  92. Unityspirit says:

    your program crashes in the latest firefox 4. I use to use it in the older versions

  93. tintbum says:

    Ouch* I saw some foul language in the comments of you tube today. That’s why I’m here. Will you fix it so it works with the updated Firefox?

  94. And you gotta love the twisted logic that can take a simple upload of an extension to a guy’s personal website, something that many had quietly been hoping for for some time, and equate it to ego.The following time I learn a blog, I hope that it doesnt disappoint me as a lot as this one. I imply, I do know it was my choice to learn, but I actually thought youd have one thing interesting to say. All I hear is a bunch of whining about one thing that you possibly can repair if you happen to werent too busy in search of attention.

  95. Brilliant idea – an extension of this would be to make it work with forums, to automatically hide badly written posts. Imagine how much time that would save. :0)

  96. Brilliant idea – an extension of this would be to make it work with forums, to automatically hide badly written posts. Imagine how much time that would save. :0)

  97. ast time we tried to view video from youtube via our blog with firefox 3.6.13 it had been crashed. Do you know what problem it could be?
    P.S. Thanks for excellent review.

  98. ast time we tried to view video from youtube via our blog with firefox 3.6.13 it had been crashed. Do you know what problem it could be?
    P.S. Thanks for excellent review.

  99. Matt says:

    Thanks a lot! I blocked all comments immediately.
    I don’t hang around Youtube & Co. a lot anyway, and when I do, I don’t give a fuck what other people think of what I’m watching.

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